Sunday, February 7, 2010

Matthew 20

Coming back to these blogs after some days off, I will admit, is hard. I'm feeling like I don't have too much to say. I am into my 3rd day of recoup from surgery on my ACL and am feeling very uninspired.

What Matthew 20 has to say is important: we need to serve, not only serve but not look for any accolades for deeds done and do it with love for Christ and our fellow man. We need to serve more than we do anything else. Tough, especially when our world tells us the exact opposite is expected. How blessed it must have been to be Mother Theresa and just be able to spend her life giving to others...the rest of us are not as fortunate...we have lives to live. Right? I believe God knows that, but it is a mindset - in each situation we encounter how can we give to those around us, those we work with, our family our next door neighbor? How can we be selfless if we are trying to get to the position at work that we need to get to? Just a question.

I was watching Carrie Underwood sing, How Great Thou Art" this morning. Wow, what a voice and what a blessing to me to hear it. I thought this was a good combo of someone who has risen to the top but with a gift from God and who is using it to bless others....though she obviously benefits greatly. Another thought...when I add videos to my blog, I have to cut and paste the embed on youtube to my html, and some artists, like Gaither, do not allow it because they always want to receive royalties (I would guess is the reason) whenever their music is shared. Hmm...I guess I don't think that the Gaithers should be like that; they should want to share for the good of Christ, right?

I've had my ministry in the past that I had a chance to use my gifts...but it is not everyday. I've had a chance to give to my kids but it is not everyday anymore, either. My day to day would be my husband and my job...whoa...both hard not to want to take as much if not more than I give. A marriage situation is the perfect place to see where you are not being a servant. LOL

V. 20-23, the mother of James and John (on their request) is asking Jesus for them to sit at His right and left hand - in power. Sounds like something I would do for my kids!! The disciples were always arguing about who was the most important among them. Really? Jesus guarantees them that they shall suffer and die for His sake but only God knew who was to eventually end up at His left and right. Even the disciples had a hard time shaking the world's view of what was important.

"but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave, just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve..." v 26-28.

If you want to be great in God's kingdom, learn to be the servant of all.

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