Monday, January 18, 2010

Matthew 12

"I desire compassion, and not a sacrifice." Jesus is the face of compassion, graciousness and the gentle spirit. How much easier is it to have compassion and grace toward our fellow man instead of coming up with some kind of sacrifice? I find it interesting who I show compassion to and who I don't, or having trouble showing compassion.. There is one particular person in my life that I have trouble seeing the good in. I continue to judge him. A gentle spirit completely alludes me when it comes to this particular person. I just want to judge him and put him down. Where does this come from? It comes because I am human, and this kind of compassion and gentleness can only come from God, the Spirit that is within me...but I need to humble myself to the Holy Spirit each and everytime I am confronted with this guy, in person or in thought, and let Jesus bring me to the point of graciousness. I need to see him with Christ's eyes.

"For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart." How true is that! And get this, "For by your words you shall be justified, and by your words you shall be condemned."...Wow!

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me - NOT true, are they? Words, gossip, anger, disdain is much worse than any broken bones. Words hurt the spirit - they go to the core like nothing else. We have all learned this over the years, haven't we, because we know how to place our words so that they give the desired affect. Being told, just one time when I was about 13, that I was overweight, changed how I saw myself for the rest of my life!

The only other thing I want to say about this chapter is that the pharisees are spending the time trying to destroy Jesus and His message. Why not sit back, relax, listen to His message, accept it and be a peace? People fight the Bible. What is to fight? Exactly what does it say that is so wrong? People for centuries have fought Its message but for what alternative?

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