Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year

Wow...blogging...I'm actually here! Yea. Inspired by the movie: Julie and Julia, I wanted to have the commitment and deadline of a daily blog to keep me focused on something. But what? I love to write but I never what to write about that will matter to me and anyone reading my blog - if anyone ever reads my blog. LOL

My daily life consists of getting up, M-F, reading my email and Facebook and then off to work only to return home to dinner and TV, more email and Facebook and then bed. There has to be more. I want there to be more. Then last Sunday at church, my pastor was talking about finding our purpose here, ie, God's will for our lives. Is what I just described above God's best for me? I think not. So, how do I find what I am supposed to do with my life? I'm 48, my kids are off in college; I'm ready for something, big!

What I have decided for this blog is to read through the New Testament in a year. What better way to know His plan for my future than to go to His word. To read through the New Testament in a year, I need to read one chapter a day, Monday through Friday, with the weekends to do any catch-up or maybe to venture into the Psalms. We'll see. My morning, instead of Facebook, will be a time spent reading the next chapter and blogging. This is the plan, anyway.

You will get to know me, my life, my past and my new discoveries as I get to know Christ better. In the end, I hope to have real direction for the next part of my life. I'm no theologian, so what you will read here will be just me, Donna.

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