Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Acts 14

The farther I get into Acts, the tougher it is too keep reading. I am finding it very dry...I am sure there is a lot of wisdom to be pulled from these chapters, I am just not seeing them. One note is that physically I seem to be getting attacked - my face today looks like a puffer fish and the doctor doesn't know why - so maybe my concentration is not as it should be. I'm normally a pretty healthy person so I am wondering why these off-the-wall ailments keep showing up, one after the other...hmmm...just a question.

One thing I learned today was that while Paul and Barnabus were in Lystra they healed a lame man. The people saw the man get up and walk so they decided that Paul and Barnabus were Zeus and Hermes from mythology!! LOL The people even wanted to offer sacrifices to Paul and Barnabus. Boy was Paul mad! They were not hearing his message.

The second thing I learned is that Paul was stoned - to the point the Jews thought he was dead and dragged him out of the city - but survived. The disciples were standing around him when he got up! Up and back to work. Wow. Up and back to the city to carry on. How strong his belief how deep his love and commitment to his glorious Jesus, whom he met on the road to Damascus.

Part of their work as they go from city to city is to encourage the new disciples, the new converts and the new churches. Verse 23 is the second time the word elders is used. The young churches needed elders for example, support and leadership when Paul or one of the other apostles were not present. The same is true today in our churches.

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