Thursday, January 28, 2010

Matthew 19

"What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate." ..."whoever divorces his wife, except for immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery." Between these verses and the reiteration of most of the ten commandments, I might as well just give up. The young man in Matthew 19 is wondering what good thing shall he do to obtain eternal life. The 'good' things that Christ named, I have not been able to do, and neither had the young man. So what then? The disciples were wondering the same thing so they asked, "Then who shall be saved"? Amen...thank-you disciples because what Jesus says here, changes everything!

"With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." v. 26
Salvation is only possible through divine grace.

I always thought the above quoted verse was about...well, I don't know what I thought it was about except that it said that all things are possible with God (it's quoted a lot)...but what it was really saying in context was that salvation was only possible with God...we can't save ourselves, we are just not good enough.


This is my prayer for all the young people in my life. Choose carefully. And with whom you do choose, don't take the commitment lightly. Want to please God.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Matthew 18

Not my daughter, I promise: LOL

"Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven? And He called a child to Himself and set him before them and said, Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever receives one such child in My name receives Me..."

If you've ever had a child and seen in them the absolute trust and desire to want to please so completely, you can totally understand why Jesus used this analogy. Oh, to love like a child loves...and to be loved by a child in this precious way. Of course God wants that from us.

One of my favorite passages in the Bible is v. 12-14, because it is me. I wander away - way, way too often - and Jesus always comes looking and finds me. "If it turns out that he (Shepard) finds it, truly I say to you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine which have not gone astray". Once again, if you've had children you would know that no matter what they have done, you want to find them and bring them home.

Praise God!

The last part of the chapter is about forgiveness. How often shall you forgive your brother? 7 times? No, 70 times 7. We have been forgiven by Him much more than that. John MacArthur, "Picturing the generous, compassionate forgiveness of God to a pleading sinner who owes Him an unpayable debt."

Matthew 17

I learned a couple things in this chapter that I never knew before:

This chapter starts with Jesus' transfiguation with Moses and Elijah at His sides - man, I bet that was something to see - the disiples were having a tendancy to want to worship all three so God says again, like at the baptism; "This is My beloved Son with whom I am well-pleased; listen to Him."
It was prophesied in Mal 4: 5-6 that Elijah would come before sending the Messiah. John the Baptist was the prophesied Elijah, in that John came in the spirit and power of Elijah! The disciples knew it but the pharisees did not. Wow!
Jesus wanted to pay the tax for He and Peter; they needed a shekel so He had Peter go fishing and take the first fish and open it's mouth and there he found a shekel! LOL Don't tell me God doesn't have a sense of humor!

...if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to the mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; v20. I have a charm that is a heart with a mustard seed in the middle of it...was given to me on the day of my baptism. Not sure by who, maybe my grandma...I think I'm going to get it out and wear it. A reminder of what I could truly do (or be) if I trusted God explicitly.

Matthew 16

Here, Peter (and the disciples) see Christ for Who He really is: You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God. v. 16 The verses go on to say that Peter couldn't have known this by himself but only by God telling him. It is the same for us. God needs to reveal Himself to me, I can not make it happen. I can search and learn but being able to believe in Him and His Word is a gift from God.

What I learned today was that "Peter" means: a small stone. From 1 Peter 2:4-8:
And coming to Him as to a living stone which has been rejected by men, but is choice and precious in the sight of God, you also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ, For this is contained in Scripture:
"Behold, I lay in Zion a choice stone, a precious corner stone, and he who believes in Him will not be disappointed."
This precious value, then, is for you who believe; but for those who disbelieve,
"The stone which the builders rejected, this became the very corner stone, and a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense."
For they stumble because they are disobedient to the Word, and to this doom they were also appointed.

Wow! I think that says it all. Why do I stumble, why do I fall? The answer is loud and clear. I love how the Word refers to Jesus as the Precious Corner Stone.

Also learned that "kingdom" can be translated as; "royal splendor" which then gives such beauty to this verse: Truly I say to you, there are some of those who are standing here who will not taste death until they see the Son of Man coming in His Royal Splendor. v28

Friday, January 22, 2010

Matthew 15

I work at a golf course. When it rains too badly, I get "called off" for lack of golfers to serve. I am hourly. This week, out of 5 days, I have worked 4 hours. Besides my small hourly wage, in that time I made $41.00 in tips. Hmm In Matthew 15, we see Jesus feed the masses again; 4000 this time instead of 5000. God will provide! Amen. It is funny that the disciples questioned Jesus about how they were going to feed the crowd with such little bread and fish after they had seen the miracle of the 5000. Oh men of little faith. I will trust. =)

"But the things that proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and those defile the man. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, theft, false witnesses, slanders." v. 18-19 I know from experience that if I dwell on something long enough, and roll it over in my mind enough eventually it will become action - good or bad. Thoughts from the heart produce action. Something has to keep those thoughts on track because we as humans can twist our thoughts into believing that just about anything is a positive. I knew the truth when I left my first husband for someone else, but over some months, pulling away from the truth, friends and church, I believed I was going to do the right thing by walking away from that marriage with someone else. Those thoughts turned to action and that action turned to chaos and unimaginable consequenses for both my life, my husband's and alas, our children.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Matthew 14

You couldn't ask for a better screen play for a movie than Matthew 14:1-12. What happens to John the Baptist is so barbaric it could happen today, LOL. The gist: John was preaching to King Herod about his relationship, reminding him that it was incest and therefore a sin. Herod didn't like that so he imprisoned John, because he could. Then King Herod throws a dinner party and has some ho dance for him and she demands John's head on a silver platter. So, not to be embarrassed in front of his dinner guests he complies and kills John. Whatever. Really?

This video below has some beautiful pictures of John baptizing Jesus. Be sure to watch to the end...the last three pictures, are amazing. Enjoy.

"Now when Jesus heard about John, He withdrew from there in a boat to a secluded place by Himself" v.13 I love that Jesus needed time to mourn his boyhood friend. "He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray. v.23. Lesson: take time to be alone with God.

My favorite part of the chapter is v.25-33. Jesus walks on water to meet them, and Peter, being Peter, wants to walk out to Him...then starts to sink. His faith is like my faith sometimes, most the time...I want to trust but then I get caught up in the circumstances and I take my eyes off Him and only see my fear. I don't know what I think my fear and worry is going to I have some sort of power to make things happen that are out of my grasp. Go to your knees, Donna, go to your knees. Jesus' reminder, "Take courage, it is I, do not be afraid." v. 27 I would have loved to have seen this walking -on -water bit go down. It must have been amazingly beautiful because at that point they did truly say, "You are certainly God's son." v. 33

Matthew 13

This chapter is very long and filled with many stories. I needed the references in the Study Bible by John MacArthur to get the full meanings of each one. From this point on in His ministry, Jesus will only talk to the crowds in parables. He did this to obscure the truth from the unbelievers while enlightening those who believed. I read all of Mr. MacArthur's references and I'm still not sure why Jesus would want to obscure the truth because wouldn't He want to try to convince everyone? But I think it has something to do with "casting your pearls before swine", in that their hearts were already hardened and would do no good anyway. And it is prophesied in Isaiah that their ears would not hear and their eyes would not see. v. 14-15. "To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven..." v.11 To understand the Spiritual truth is a gift from God, and I am blessed.

The parable of the mustard seed I know more from the aspect of having faith like a mustard seed. But here it is speaking more about how large a tree grows from the tiniest mustard seed - enough for the birds of the air to nest in it's branches. v.32 Jesus was telling us that the kingdom of Heaven was large enough to include me, a gentile. I am blessed.

"And the one whom seed was sown on the good soil, this is the man who hears the word and understands it; who indeed bears fruit and brings forth, some a hundred fold, some sixty and some thirty." "Not all believers are equally fruitful, but all are fruitful." John MacAuthur. I am blessed.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Matthew 12

"I desire compassion, and not a sacrifice." Jesus is the face of compassion, graciousness and the gentle spirit. How much easier is it to have compassion and grace toward our fellow man instead of coming up with some kind of sacrifice? I find it interesting who I show compassion to and who I don't, or having trouble showing compassion.. There is one particular person in my life that I have trouble seeing the good in. I continue to judge him. A gentle spirit completely alludes me when it comes to this particular person. I just want to judge him and put him down. Where does this come from? It comes because I am human, and this kind of compassion and gentleness can only come from God, the Spirit that is within me...but I need to humble myself to the Holy Spirit each and everytime I am confronted with this guy, in person or in thought, and let Jesus bring me to the point of graciousness. I need to see him with Christ's eyes.

"For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart." How true is that! And get this, "For by your words you shall be justified, and by your words you shall be condemned."...Wow!

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me - NOT true, are they? Words, gossip, anger, disdain is much worse than any broken bones. Words hurt the spirit - they go to the core like nothing else. We have all learned this over the years, haven't we, because we know how to place our words so that they give the desired affect. Being told, just one time when I was about 13, that I was overweight, changed how I saw myself for the rest of my life!

The only other thing I want to say about this chapter is that the pharisees are spending the time trying to destroy Jesus and His message. Why not sit back, relax, listen to His message, accept it and be a peace? People fight the Bible. What is to fight? Exactly what does it say that is so wrong? People for centuries have fought Its message but for what alternative?

Friday, January 15, 2010

Matthew 11

"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.
Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls.
For My yoke is easy, and My load is light."

Some of the most beloved words of the New Testament spoken by Jesus. But the qualifier is to first be yoked with Christ; The verse before these. v. 27

For Haiti.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Matthew 10

"Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; therefore be shrewd as serpents, and innocent as doves." v. 16..."Everyone therefore who shall confess Me before men, I will also confess him before my Father who is in heaven." v. 32
I had an opportunity to share tonight with a customer at my bar. (I don't work at a bar, I work at a Golf Course.) He felt comfortable enough with me to tell me that he is reading through the Old Testament in a year. He is not a believer and wanted to know if reading the Bible would change his life. WOW...really, me? I was given the opportunity to share some of what I know to encourage him on his journey. I only hope I said what God wanted me to say. " not become anxious about how or what you will speak; for it shall be given you in that hour what you are to speak." v. 19

In this chapter we meet all the disciples. I learned that to be an apostle there are three criteria: 1. Being chosen by Jesus or the Holy Spirit, 2. being given miraculous spiritual gifts, and 3. having seen the Lord and been an eyewitness to His resurrection. They are:
Judas Iscariot
They were instructed to go out to the lost sheep of Israel, with authority, and perform the miracles needed to be performed and spread the word. Stay where you need to stay and if those people do not "heed your words" then "it will be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgement, than for that city."v15

The most astonishing verse is: "Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." v34 He goes on to talk about how believing Him and His message will divide families and friends. I have experienced this. What is amazing to me is how angry someone can get when you bring up Christ and His message. Even tonight when I was talking to the guy about his year going through the Bible, his friend made sure that I understood that he - the friend - was a heathen...that he didn't care about our conversation. How sad that he found it better to not be identified with the Bible. Why? What does the Bible say that is so threatening?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Matthew 9

Please, if anyone is reading this, pray for Haiti in the aftermath of their earthquake. I'm not sure how to pray for them...but at this point I think it would be for rapid recovery of everyone buried in the rubble and then quick and sufficient help with food and medical care.

Matthew 9, we meet Matthew, talking about himself in third person. A tax collector. We all know how we feel about tax collectors! So Jesus is hanging with Matthew and his tax-gatherer friends and sinners. The pharisees (big church muckety-mucks) want to know why. Jesus' response, It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick...I desire compassion not sacrifice, for I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners. Amen, right? Christians that just hang with fellow Christians are missing the opportunity to shine their light in the darkness of so many people's lives. Crusades are great and certain organized ministry opportunity but even more is the day to day impact on the world around us. Work is a great place for me to show the compassion and grace of Christ. For my kids, it is their college campuses. Funny, but I was telling a story and for whatever reason, used the sh** word and my co-workers mouths dropped and said they had never heard me swear before! (Of course they don't live with me.)But it made me realize that I do make a difference in my small portion of the world.

When I was growing up in church, women wore dresses and the men, ties, to church. Women, me included, had bows in our hair. If you had asked us we would have said that we were showing respect to God, but really we were trying to portray a certain image. Have you ever seen someone smoking outside at church? Why is that? And how do you treat someone with tattoos or whatever that walks through the doors of the church? What if "he" actually accepts Christ and wants to comes back? How are you going to treat him if he doesn't fit into the 'norm'? These are important questions that we as Christians have to ask ourselves. The churches I've attended have been filled with middle class white folks. Why is that? The Bible, clearly, is for everyone.

Cheers "where everyone knows your name". Do you know everyone at church, or if it is large church, your corner of it? There is a song, "I love this bar" by Toby Keith. When you listen to it here, say to yourself, "I love this church". We need to have 'sinners' coming to church. The fact that we expect people to clean up to attend church - at least they think they need to be better to come to church - needs to change.

Come as you are...I love this church.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Matthew 8

Today I learned about the term 'Son of Man'. I read a couple different commentaries that said that this was Jesus' favorite way to refer to Himself - used over 80 times. I liked this: "Son of God" is His divine name; "Son of David" is His Jewish name; and "Son of Man" is the name that links Him to the earth and His mission. He does a lot of healing in this chapter but I like how when He is out in the boat and the storm comes up He rebukes the winds and the sea; and it became perfectly calm...What kind of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey Him? I love the majesty that is represented every time the Bible refers to Jesus' power over the earth: the mountains will bow down, or the mountains quake because of Him. If you've ever felt an earthquake then you know how unsettling it is that you are helpless to stop much more is He that He can!

Also in this chapter we meet Peter...and he is married! I had no idea. His mother-in-law was sick with fever. v.14. (So why does the Catholic church not permit marriage for priests? hmm) 1 Cor 9:5 also talks about the rest of the apostles having wives as well as Jesus' brothers. Just interesting...I never really gave it much thought before.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Matthew 7

I'm qualifying this writing with I had so much to say about the chapter that I feel I didn't say anything. But for what it is worth:

Let's start with the promise: ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you shall find...God will let us know what is up. In my endeavour to find out what God wants for the rest of my life, the promise is that if I look I will find. Wisdom will be given to me if time is spent searching and asking. I have no question that this is real and true. v11: if you...know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more shall your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him.! Wow...there is a promise. Feel that warmth. I know how much I would love to have my children ask for guidance and how much I would like to give it, knowing that I have lived so much more life than they...think about God who is perfect, the wisdom He has, and how He wants us to seek it from Him and how much He wants to give it. He wants to give it! Ask! Take! Be blessed!! I will admit here, that spending time in prayer is not easy for me. It is much easier to read and study than to actually sit down and spend an intimate moment with God. I want to spend more time there, with Him. There is something about me that being still and quiet, finding time alone with God eludes me. My insides can't slow down enough. This needs to change. Oh, but then the promise: knock and it shall be opened to you.

The chapter begins with judgement. Do not judge lest you be judged. Amen! None of us want to be judged unfairly so why do we continue to judge others? But we do. I think so much about the world would be changed if we could eliminate this one thing. Why do we do it? What does it give us? Man how we love to have dirt on someone else. Why? But then want mercy when it all turns against us. LOL For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you. Again, why do we do it?

v. 12 is the Golden Rule: Treat people how you want people to treat you. Now, why is this so hard? Same reason as above. For some reason we want to be on top, more powerful, more knowledgeable...but to what gain? What does it get us if we are better than someone else at anything? Accolades? The chance to win "oh wows"? What does any of this matter? Mind you, I'm the first to say I need positive reinforcement in my life; I need to feel like I am liked and am doing a good job...but to the detriment of someone else? I hope not.

The last part of the chapter is about fruit again. About following someone who's fruit does not match the talk he is talking. You want to build upon the rock and not the sand, for obvious reasons. I know all of us have followed someone in our lives that has bamboozled us and turned out to be someone different than he claimed. But it is our fault for not having done do diligents and found out who they were and what they stood for or maybe in too much of a hurry to believe that which seemed appealing.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Matthew 6

This is a chapter that I am very familiar with. These passages are like soft blankets on a cool evening; I feel at home. The Lord's prayer is here. This is important; these are the things that God wants to hear from us. He could have used a few dozen different examples of things for us to pray about but he chose these five: Honor Him, Look for His will for our life, Ask for our sustenance, Forgive us as we forgive others, and Keep us from Temptation/Evil. But there is a qualifier; the following verses reiterates: For if you forgive men for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions. I'm getting that forgiveness is huge for God. Makes sense because that is also what we need most from Him. The world today does not feel this same way. They want to punish, sue, kill for revenge, lock up, etc. Remember 'Santa Claus is Comin' to Town' claymation we watch every year...LOL...remember how he gives to the Winter Warlock a choo-choo train instead of being bitter; remember how the Winter Warlock's hard shell melts away? What if we did that with our enemies instead? I know, simplistic, but still...

The next large section of this chapter is about God's complete provision for us. "His eye is on the sparrow so I know He watches me." This is probably one of the most calming passages in the New testament and is especially poignant for today and our economy: not be anxious for your life, as to what you shall eat, or what you shall drink; nor for your body, as to what you shall put on...Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? This next verse is meant directly to me and all my worrying: And which of you by being anxious can add a single cubit to his life's span! Amen, thank-you very much. LOL

There is so much more in this chapter, but we will revisit it again in another gospel. But like I said, you need to read this chapter and hang onto the promises. God always honors His promises. "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you." Then God makes a 'funny': not be anxious for tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. =)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Matthew 5

Blessed are the poor in Spirit.
Blessed are those who mourn.
Blessed are the gentle.
Blessed are those who hunger for righteousness.
Blessed are the merciful.
Blessed are the pure in heart.
Blessed are the peacemakers.
Blessed are those who have been persecuted for righteousness.
Blessed are those who are persecuted for His namesake

You are the salt of the earth.
You are the light of the world.
Me? I need to take this more seriously. Light meaning illuminating, joy, love, grace, forgiveness.

My take on the next "Truly I say to You"s:

Truly I say to you, every letter of every word of the Old Testament is Vital and will be fulfilled.
For I say to you, your righteousness need to surpass the scribes to enter the kingdom of heaven.

But I say to you, everyone who is angry with his brother, is guilty.
Truly I say to you, be reconciled to your brother first and then come with your offering.
But I say to you, everyone who looks after a woman with lust has committed adultery.
But I say to you, everyone who divorces his wife makes her commit adultery.
But I say to you, make no oath, let your yes be yes and your no be no.
But I say to you, turn the other cheek.
But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for them.

Today at work this came up: to pray for my persecutors. Not only did it come up in the text today and at work but in the novel I am reading. Jesus wants me to pray for my persecutors! Actually, I'm not being persecuted but everyone around me at work is. I am watching people I have worked with for years being fired or having their salaries cut by a GM that only cares about the bottom line.
So conversation at dinner tonight was how to pray and what to pray for. Maybe pray to soften her heart, or pray to give her wisdom to deal with the people above her, maybe give her courage to go to battle for us with the owner...etc. Maybe pray for her salvation. Hmmm I will do this. He has commanded me too, and He would.

I love this:
And if anyone wants to sue you, and take your shirt, let him have your coat also.
And whoever shall force you to go one mile, go with him two.
Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Matthew 4

Repent and Follow Me. Simple? Should be. Or maybe not. At the beginning of this chapter we see that Christ is being tempted by Satan, and Christ is God and the Holy how much more difficult it is for us who are not. This is the reason we need His power, the Holy Spirit within us, so we can resist the temptations and follow Him. Without the Holy Spirit we are on our own power - scary.

Here we meet: Peter, Andrew, James and John, fishing. They drop everything, they leave their families, their jobs to follow Him. What had they seen by this point; what had they heard that gave them such faith to let everything go? What does this mean for my life?

At work today a co-worker (unintentionally) reminded me of WWJD: what would Jesus do? What does following Him mean for my life, maybe always asking myself, what would Jesus do. I know it can go much deeper than that, but it's a good place to start. Would Jesus gossip about his fellow workers, harbor ill will, or have anything but completely uplifting things to say to one another? He would find joy in all situations and pray, even while I'm working behind the bar, for any situation that seems like something I can't handle or wisdom I might need.

I worry. I pray then still worry. I go to bed worrying and get up doing the same. Now that the kids are in college I worry about things I don't even know about. A friend on Facebook wrote something about there being 365 verses about not being afraid. So, I guess, follow Jesus and don't be afraid - or worry.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Matthew 3

Hmm...locusts and wild honey...yum! LOL Matt. 3 is where we meet John the Baptist. He was staying in the wilderness of Judea. I wonder why in verse 4 the Bible tells us what he is wearing: a garment of camel's hair and a leather belt about his waist. Anyone know the significance?

Therefore bring forth fruit in keeping with repentance; v 8. Seeing us produce fruit, ie: showing signs of a changed life, as someone who has truly repented and given their life to Christ is something that comes up a lot in the new testament. This fruit bearing thing is a tough one. Looking back over my life has there been fruit? There has but not consistently. This is something we will address more as I go through my weeks here. I like this verse because it is a command...bring forth fruit! And I can also tell you that fruit never comes by sheer will, you need to be engulfed in your relationship with Christ for fruit to be seen. You can not magically make fruit appear in your life just like a tree can not 'poof' out an apple if it is not deeply sunk into the soil and watered appropriately...part of the reason I am spending a year in God's word.

More tonight.

Tonight...a bad night. A great day but then tonight I am inundated with malfunctioning electronic equipment: my new Nook (electronic reader), netflix and our DVD player...I'm so done. I want to go back to...pause...what? The 70's, the 50's the 1800's? The truth is we can not go back. We need to deal with the challenges of our day. Back in the 70's you never got mad at your computer for crashing but you did get mad when you couldn't find a pay phone when you needed it and have it working. Right? Etc. It's all relative.

Back to the text: v. 11 John says that Jesus will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. I looked at Mal.3:26 "For He is like a refiner's fire and like fullers' soap". He purifies then cleanses. Yep, that's it. Think of your last deep scrape and how you had to clean it out - remember Bacteen - ouch!, clean it out before it could heal and be perfect. Sometimes even, when you break a bone and then a doctor sets it, it is even stronger than it was before it was broken. Too cool. I've only got a couple times in my life that I recognized the fire and appreciated it and saw the good on the other side. The other times I was just fighting it. But all in all you get where God wants you.

Refiner's Fire
My heart's one desire
Is to be Holy
Purified by you my master
Ready to do Your will.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Matthew 2

A voice was heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children; and she refused to be comforted, because they were no more. Jer 31:15-17
This is a verse I am very familiar with; it is the verse we use in the beginning of the post-abortion ministry, letting the women know it is okay to weep and mourn for their babies. Here Matthew is using it again in Matt 2:18 because King Herod has just killed the boys in Bethleham under the age of 2. Matthew uses quotes from the Old Testament, 93, more than any other Gospel writers. His audience are people with Jewish background that knew very well the prophesy of old. And I love it...quotes from the old in the new shows continuity between the testaments and for me makes the Bible so alive!!
Herod knew the prophesy too, for he called the magi (kings) - who were also astronomers of the day - to ascertain the time that the star had first appeared to them. He was looking to see how old the baby might be and used that to come up with boys under two. Wow. Yet, as always, God's plan is not to be thwarted.
The church triumphant, is alive and well!!
Joseph moved his young family twice by the advice of God speaking to him in a dream. I wish God would speak to me through dreams. I would like to believe that if God gave me a direction like that, I would take it.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Matthew 1

The first chapter of Matthew is a great way to start the year considering it speaks of Christ's birth and we have just finished celebrating the same.

Though you might find reading about Jesus' lineage boring, what I love about it are the amazing people that were His direct line; my favorite being King David. David and I have a lot in common: We've known God our whole lives but still have made huge, huge mistakes that have led to God's consequences for those mistakes: we are not talking mistakes, here, like a bad grade on a homework assignment; we are talking blunders of such a high caliber that they changed peoples lives and redefined sin... then always followed by repentance and a deeper meaning of what it is to be one of His own. I have learned over my life that God disciplines those He loves much like you would discipline your own child because you want the best for him/her. God's discipline in my life has been as big as my sins but also many times less than I deserved because of His grace. Having children of my own has helped me understand the love of my heavenly Father and how it works. I used to always think that God was just mad at me but now I know that things get tough for me sometimes because God needs me in another place or another path rather than the one I am on. I have a much deeper appreciation for His refinement and I love Him for it.

You will notice when you read the lineage there are only four women's names: Tamar, Rahab, Ruth and Mary. I love that Rahab is mentioned; if that kind of woman could be used by God to bring Christ to us, then there is hope for me to be used by God for a purpose!

Something else I noticed about this chapter was Joseph's decision not to divorce Mary once he learned she was with child; he listened to the angel that came to him. What if he hadn't listened! What if he had been more like me and decided to do his own thing first.

I am wondering about v. 1:17...the number 14 appears 3 times...14 must mean something to God.

What I've learned: Jesus' name is from the Greek for the Hebrew Jeshua which means the Lord is salvation. The angel told Joseph that he shall call his son, Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins. Read Isaiah 7:14 where His birth is prophesized and His name shall be Immanuel, meaning God with Us.

Happy New Year

Wow...blogging...I'm actually here! Yea. Inspired by the movie: Julie and Julia, I wanted to have the commitment and deadline of a daily blog to keep me focused on something. But what? I love to write but I never what to write about that will matter to me and anyone reading my blog - if anyone ever reads my blog. LOL

My daily life consists of getting up, M-F, reading my email and Facebook and then off to work only to return home to dinner and TV, more email and Facebook and then bed. There has to be more. I want there to be more. Then last Sunday at church, my pastor was talking about finding our purpose here, ie, God's will for our lives. Is what I just described above God's best for me? I think not. So, how do I find what I am supposed to do with my life? I'm 48, my kids are off in college; I'm ready for something, big!

What I have decided for this blog is to read through the New Testament in a year. What better way to know His plan for my future than to go to His word. To read through the New Testament in a year, I need to read one chapter a day, Monday through Friday, with the weekends to do any catch-up or maybe to venture into the Psalms. We'll see. My morning, instead of Facebook, will be a time spent reading the next chapter and blogging. This is the plan, anyway.

You will get to know me, my life, my past and my new discoveries as I get to know Christ better. In the end, I hope to have real direction for the next part of my life. I'm no theologian, so what you will read here will be just me, Donna.